New Chapters

Change can be scary, but it's also exciting and often necessary for growth. I'm reminding myself of this as certain doors recently closed, while others swung wide open!

New Chapters
Photo by Artem Beliaikin / Unsplash

This time of year tends to bring out the waterworks and lots of reflection.

For starters, the end of a school year naturally brings with it varying emotions. Some kids have been counting down the days until summer break since winter break ended—or maybe even the first day of school. Others, like my younger daughter, Gwen, are excited for summer but sad to say goodbye to what has been an awesome class and her favorite teacher ever. This isn't to mention all of the milestone graduations—bring out the tissues.

I can't believe my Izzy only has five more years of school until college. Then again, it's really getting real. She looks so grown. And when I picked up the girls' medications from their schools yesterday, it felt like I had just dropped off those meds at the beginning of the school year. The school year flew by unbelievably fast.

As I left the elementary school, I couldn't help but think about how my baby would be spending her last year there next year, before heading to middle school. Taking snaps of Gwen outside the school at the Kindergarten open house doesn't feel like it was that long ago. A lot of life has happened since that, but it feels like it transpired in a blink.

As Ferris Bueller said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

I wish it weren't so true, Ferris.

Also mind-blowing, it's been 11 years since I left Northern Virginia Magazine, upon Gwen's birth. I've been anxious to get back into professional writing and editing on a part-time basis. Then right around my birthday this year, Beautycounter, where I've focused my efforts the past six years, suddenly closed up shop. I've always loved the products and the company's clean beauty mission, so that was sad; however, it gave me more of a push.

I had been praying for a part-time opportunity—volunteer or paid—that would be meaningful and give me more purpose. Then, in May, the perfect opportunity arrived in my inbox. Fast forward to the beginning of this month, when I started a dream role for me.

I oversee an international team of writers at an organization that is all about migraine research, advocacy and education (topics dear to my heart). It's incredibly exciting, but I can't help but be a bit nervous. The job is part-time, but when I do a job, I give it my all. Plus, the timing is tricky because it's my favorite time of year. It's summer, and my girls are home without school. Also, we have a two-week family vacation coming up that we look forward to all year.

Posing in Waikiki

I want to be a fully present parent; my girls are my world. I also want to knock my editing out of the park—and get migraine the attention it deserves.

As we all juggle a world of different things, and take new steps outside of our comfort zones, know I'm with you and rooting for you. Let's all take it day by day, focus on doing the next right thing ... and dig into some incredible beach reads in our downtime. Any suggestions?!

Change can be scary, but it's often necessary for growth! Cheers to that!

Natalie Kaar